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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Update of filming and editing

With the exception of shot 10 and the engine sound effect from shots 1 and 2, I am at a point in which my film is completed and I believe it will help me achieve the grade I deserve.
One problem I've found with the editing process is how I have underestimated how long the sequence will be in comparison  to the sound track (Machine Gun - Portishead). Initally I predicted that my sequence will be 3:59, with the soundtrack being 4:45. My sequence being this short was a problem I knew I had to deal with when I edited my film but when I came to put the shots together, it was clear that I had under predicted how long the sequence will actually be. This is because many of the shots I preditcted to only be 3-4 seconds long actually turned out to be 6-8 seconds long. These extra seconds that I hadn't taken into account added up to make my overall sequence to be over 6 minutes long which created problems when fitting my soundtrack with my sequence. As a result of my mistake, I've had to cut down a lot of the scenes and even cut some shots (for example shots 3, 7, 8 and 26) that I had intended to use, however after editing my film to the length which I can add the sound track to, I find that my film is actually much more effective as all of the shots actually relate to pushing the narrative and messages that I wanted to come through for the audience when watching the sequence rather than having some shots in the sequence that wern't as effective or relevant as I first thought they would be.
But generally, I am happy with the sequence and I am currently getting audience feedback from people in my class and my peers. Soon I hope to get the film, as it is, on youtube so I may gather feedback from different audiences outside of college.

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