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Thursday 29 March 2012

Questionaire Result Statistics

Number of questionnaires filled out: 6 (3 original questionnaires + 3 improved questionnaires)

Age/gender of those who filled out questionnaire:
Male- 2
Female - 4

10-14 - 0
15-25 - 5
25+ - 1

1. Initial thoughts of how the film was presented:

Editing: 5
Cinematography: 6 
Characters: 3
Mise-en-scene: 3
Narrative: 4
Soundtrack/sound effects: 5
Other comments: Generally the term 'fitted together well' is used in most questionnaires relating to editing, the characters, the narrative and the soundtrack.

Editing: 0
Cinematography: 0
Characters: 0
Mise-en-scene: 0
Narrative: 0
Other comments: It seemed that without the editing done how it was, the narrative would have been hard to understand.

2. Did you find any part of the film hard to understand/follow (In the story line/how it was presented)?

Editing: 0
Cinematography: 0
Characters: 1
Mise-en-scene: 0
Narrative: 4
Other comments: One person commented that the narrative wasn't too confusing as the cinematography was effective in pushing the narrative. Generally those who watched the film were confused as to why the protagonist kills herself as the sequence is unclear (apart from that is it something to do with her friends).

2 a). If so, what would you change to make the film easier to understand/follow?

Editing: 2
Cinematography: 0
Characters: 4
Mise-en-scene: 0
Narrative: 4
Soundtrack: 0
Other Comments: It is clear that more shots of the main character looking sad BECAUSE of the gang would have made my sequence less confusing. Someone suggested showing the gang being mean to the protagonist would have made the narrative more clear (as most thought the reason for the protagonist killing herself was because she missed her friends for one reason or another).

3. (Old questionnaire) What are your likes/dislikes about the film?

Editing: 3
Cinematography: 1
Characters: 1
Mise-en-scene: 2
Narrative: 2
Soundtrack: 3
Other Comments: People said that a lot of the edits, footage and the soundtrack worked really well together
(No dislikes recorded)

3. (Improved Questionnaire) How effective is the soundtrack for the sequence and what effect do you believe it creates?

Summary of comments:
Questionnaire 1: Good effect, suitable for the sequence
2: Powerful emotional response, especially towards the end
3: Suites sequence perfectly, very effective (however cannot specify what effect), reminds him/her of other film sound tracks in the same genre.

4. (Old Questionnaire)
5. (Improved Questionnaire)
As this is only the title sequence to a film, would you carry on watching the film if it was feature length?

Yes: 6
No: 0
Other Comments: "the ending really encouraged me to want to watch more"
                            "the story line is good as not many films are out like this and it reflects our age + society"
                            "the film was really interesting"
                            "I would like to watch what happened before even though it may not be my sort of film"

4. (Improved Questionnaire) What emotions did you feel whilst watching the film?

Happy: 0
Excitement: 0
Sadness: 111
Pity: 11
Guilt: 0
Other comments: People commented only really commented on the pity and sadness they felt towards the protagonist but some people did mention that the editing and narrative helped provoke these emotions.


6. What did you feel towards the gang of people and the protagonist based on watching the sequence?

Questionnaire 1: Typical gang of youths/I feel sorry for her as she has no where to turn
2: Typical teenagers generally having a good time/main character seemed to not what to join in because she was unhappy
3. All good friends/She must have been left out by the gang in one way or another

7. Do you think the edits/cuts/camerawork/cinematography is effective in the sequence?

Yes: 3
No: 0
Other comments: "Camera work great"
                           "All worked well to create the effect of the film. The repeated clip bits were v.clever"

8. What film classification would you give the film:

U: 0
PG: 0
12: 1
12A: 0
15: 111
18: 0
R: 0
Other comments: "I'd only give it a 15 [rather than an 18] as the explicit content wasn't too bad"
                           "[15] maybe a 12 as I don't know if there would be any [explicits] in the full film"

9. Bearing the previous question in mind, what audience do you think the film is aimed at?

Babies (3 months - 6 years): 0
Children (7-11): 0
Young Teenagers (12-14): 2
Older teenagers (15-17): 3
Young Adults (18-25): 1
Adults (26-59): 0
Elderly (60+): 0
Other Comments: "Teenagers would be able to relate to the main character"
                            "It's a message/warning to teenagers"
                            "It isn't a blockbuster and it's certainly aimed at British teenagers like 'This Is England'"
                            "For both genders in the mainstream audience"

Sort summary of results:
Personally I believe, due to the results of the questionnaire, that those who watched my film did enjoy it. The older people that watched it did give the impression that they did enjoy the sequence but it isn't the sort of film they would pay to see as it isn't appealing for an older audience (even over the age of 20).
The footage/edits etc. seemed to be very effective in driving the narrative and the genre was very clear to the audience.
One problem people found is that the actual narrative was not clear in the sequence, and although it wasn't too confusing as everything ties together in the end, the audience had different interpretations of what was going on in the film. As a sequence on it's own I do believe the narrative is unclear HOWEVER this was partially intended as the sequence is the title sequence for an imaginary film and the intention is to give the wrong impression of the gang (as the sequence is a summary of the film in five minutes) and why Tristy kills herself so that the actual film could progress, shock and surprise audiences as they watch the narrative open up and become clear in front of their eyes, similar to a 'twist' as it is beyond the expectations of the audience. However, I have only created the title sequence and for the sake of the enjoyment of those who watch it without the explanation of the intended aim of the title sequence, the footage seems to slightly confuse the audience of why Tristy does kill herself and how it relates to the gang. If I could change this I would make the narrative much more clear so that the audience understands my intended narrative rather than their own slightly inaccurate interpretations of the film.
Over-all I feel that the audience did enjoy the sequence and reacted positively to almost every aspect of the sequence (which includes the narrative and actually noticing the edits in a positive way, because the edits are pretty much the only aspect of my film that I wanted to especially drive the narrative) which some audiences don't even take into account when watching other films.

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