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Wednesday 4 April 2012

MISS FITTED film technique statistics (Incl. Film Edits, Shots, Camera Movement and Camera Angle).

Whilst planning my evaluation I found that gathering different techniques that I've used in the filming and editing process of creating MISS FITTED very helpful in understanding what effects certain techniques create and how important specific edits/camera work may be in creating the different effects over others. Gathering these statistics also help me reflect on techniques which may have been a more effective option if I had the ability to re-film some footage.

Shots - No. Of Times Used
Extreme Wide Shot: 1
Very WS: 2
WS: 11
Mid Shot: 8
Medium Close-up: 9
Close-up: 1
Extreme Close-up: 2
Cut Away: 1
Cut in: 2
Two Shot: 0
Over Shoulder Shot: 2
Noddy Shot: 0 
POV Shot: 27
Weather Shot: 0

Shot(s) Not used: Weather Shot, Two Shot, Noddy Shot.
Shot(s) Used the most: POV Shot (27)
Shot(s)Used the least: Extreme Shot (1), Cut Away (1), Close-up (1)

Camera Movement - No. Of Times Used
Crab (Tracking): 6
Dolly (Tracking): 0
Follow: 1
Pan: 0
Pedestal: 0
Tilt: 0
Track: 0
Zoom: 0

Camera Movement(s) Not used: Dolly, Pan, Pedestal, Tilt, Track, Zoom.
Camera Movement(s) Used the most: Crab (6)
Camera Movement(s) Used the Least: Follow (1)

Camera Angle - No. Of Times Used
Eye Level: 62
High Angle: 4
Low Angle: 4
Birds Eye: 0
Dutch Tilt: 0

Camera Angle(s) Not used: Birds Eye, Dutch Tilt
Camera Angle(s) Used the most: Eye Level (62)
Camera Angle(s) Used the least: Birds Eye (4), Low Angle (4)

Film Edit - No. Of Times Used
Cut: 44
Continuity Editing: 11
Cross Cutting: 1
Dissolve: 0
Eye Line Match: 2
Fade: 27
Iris: 0
Jump Cut: 10
Match on Action: 19
Montage: 4
Sequence Shot: 0
Shot/Reverse Shot: 0
Wipe: 0
Jitter Effect: 3
Graphic Match: 7

Film Edit(s) Not used: Iris, Jump Cut, Sequence Shot, Shot/Reverse Shot, Wipe.
Film Edits(s) Used the Most: Cut (44), Fade (27)
Film Edits (s) Used the Least: Cross Cutting (1), Eyeline Match (2).

Using the glossary of film language terms, I managed to establish the main shots/edits/camera work that I could have possibly featured in my film from the glossary and made a tally, whilst watching the film, of each technique I had used.
When just looking at the 'most used' techniques from the four categories and a major trend is the used of the standard 'default' shots/edits/camera work which really portrays no obvious reason for use apart from the allow the narrative to continue seamlessly and smoothly. When it comes to the camera angles and camera movements, I believe that I did not need many more techniques other than Tracking and Eye Level angle unless I was trying to portray specific meaning in the film as I intended to use edits and the narrative and cinematography to push any messages/meaning to the audience. Therefore I've only used a still camera, only a small amount of tracking and mainly eye level angles.

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