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Sunday 5 February 2012

Second Day of filming Evaluation

5th February 2012

Today was the second day of filming. One huge problem I had to deal with is that on the 4th of February is that there was a downpour of snow which therefore prevented me from shooting a few of the shots I planned on shooting today. These shots included shots 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 30, 47, 48, 49 and 50. However I did manage to film all shots inside the party house (shots 38, 40, 41, 43, 44 and 46), some shot's which the settings were irrelevant to the shots (Shots 35, 36, 58 and 60) and I also filmed most of the outdoor shots which involve Tristy alone and a couple of shots which the gang features in (17a, 17b, 18a, 18b, 18c, 19, 20, 51, 52, 57 and 59). Working around the snow proved a challenge as I had to keep my actors happy and warm to create effective footage but luckily my actors, especially Chelsea, were happy to get involved with any acting and even behind the camera.
Another problem I faced with my filming today was I had to share my main actress with another student which delayed my filming schedule by an hour however this turned out to have no negative effect on any footage, quality or the attitudes of those all taking part.

Shots that were not on schedule to be filmed today are ready to be shot on Tuesday (7th Feb), most of these shots are inside however there are a few shots that need to be filmed outside and due to continuity I hope that the snow will still be visible (although melting) for filming or else the shots that were filmed today will need to be re-shot.

Indoor Shots 'Party House' - Setting Previews

These photographs are of the 'Party House' in the rooms where both the Flashbacks and Flash Forwards are filmed. In the flashbacks, the lights are dimmed and the house is filled with people, the house is colourful and exiting however, in the flash forwards the house is empty and dull which reflects the loneliness and helplessness that Tristy is feeling.

This is the 'drinks room' at the party. In this room, people are kissing, flirting and drinking. The idea of this room is 'purgatory' before opening the door at the opposite side of the room into what represents 'hell'. This reflects the idea of the gang, that they lead Tristy into a living hell in the narrative of the full film.

In the flash-forward, Tristy is not seen walking through this room but instead, walking towards it and out of it into the garage. This is because she had already chosen the gang as her life over her former life and had stepped straight into 'hell' because of this. However, there will be a flashback shot of the party in the 'purgatory' room before Tristy enters through the opposite door into the garage (filmed from inside the garage) which represents the transition.


Thursday 2 February 2012

New idea for end of sequence

After shot 61 (Title Screen: MISS FITTED) I have decided in order to portray going back in time and to show that the title screen is a flashforward. Straight after shot 61 all of the previous 60 of the previous shots (excluding Title Screens e.g. 'Prodced by...' etc) will be rewound back to shot 1 in a 2-5 second sequence as if travelling back in time. After this sequence shot 62 ("3 Months Earlier") will appear.
This will make it clear that, if I were to create the full feature-length film, that the title sequence is a flashforward and is actually the ending of the film rather than the introduction. This short 'rewind' sequence would then inform audiences that the start of the narrative will start 3-5 minutes into the film.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Anamatic Complete

Here is my completed Anamatic. I found putting the sound track along with the animistic proved helpful with allowing me to really see what my film will look like when it is complete. I am very happy with the way my sequence is looking currently and I can proceed with completing all of my film.

Problems with Anamatic

Unfortunately after scanning through all of my shots onto my laptop and completing creating my Anamatic on Window's Movie Maker, I click on the 'Publish Post' option in order to transfer it onto my blog but unfortunately Windows Movie Maker became unresponsive so therefore I have decided to proceed with my Anamatic at college on the editing suite

Each shot with no detail in order

Here is each shot in order so that we can see how each shot may flow into the next and refer to the shots so we may decide which different transitions work, if scenes or shots are in an effective order and how the sequence may flow.

Completed + updated story board

Here is my completed story board. Complete with all notes of shots to help me film. One problem I found with story boarding in particular are the shots after shot 52 as in that shot/scene Tristy will be looking around whilst every second a POV flashback will cut in for a second and Tristy will come back into shot and this will happen multiple times over about 20 seconds so if I drew every single one of the flashbacks as a shot in my storyboard it would be counter-productive so therefore I have used notes which will allow me to know what I need to film and edit when it comes round to that shot. Although it seem's complicated, in practice it won't be.