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Friday, 25 November 2011

Tristy's Costume

Tristy's costume before meeting the gang 

A plain white T-shirts

Plain Deinim shorts

Child-like vintage trainers

Tristy's costume when having met the gang and building friendships with them

Bright pink t-shirt

Bright blue shorts

Bright and colourful women's shoes

Tristy's Costume before taking her life

Plain black T-shirt

Plain grey shorts

Plain black flat shoes

Tristys costume at the begining of the film portrays a child-like image. Her costume will be plain at first to show the lack of excitement in her life, however if the film was to be directed and created as a feature-length film, throughout the film Tristy's costume will become brighter and more mature as she is drawn closer to the group, but when the group is revealed as a criminal terror-creating gang Tristy's costume will become darker, as if in mourning. Over-all, Tristy's costume should portray her relevence in the group. For example at first she dresses plainly and anonymously as she hasn't yet met the group, but as she becomes more involved in the group her clothes become more colourful due to the 'colour' the group is bringing to her life.

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